
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

some problems and answers in linux

I get the error message saying that Partition not found during Installation. My harddisk is SATA.
Check your BIOS for the option SATA controler, and change its value to "Enhanced Mode". It is in the section Integrated Peripherals or in some mother board, It is in Drive Configuration. Also make the option "udma" enabled.
If you are using Intel D101GCC motherboard please see the seperate post regarding that.
My SATA harddisk is not working what should I do ?
see previous question.
Motherboard is Intel 101/102 GGC, While installation, it cannot find harddisk. It is a SATA harddisk. How can i solve this?
When installation starts,
Press Alt+F2, in root prompt (press enter to get root prompt) type modprobe sata_sil
then come back to installation screen with Alt+F1. You can now continue the installation.

CD-ROM not found, Installer is asking for driver floppy disk while installing School GNU/Linux.
In the BIOS IDE controller option set the value Enhanced Mode form the list.
After installing School GNU/Linux in a computer with both windows 98 and Windows XP, Windows XP not booting and shows hal.dll missing.
It is a problem with windows xp to identify two primary partitions. Install GNU/Linux into logical partitions solve this problem. To do so, you have to choose manual partitioning option and specify the partition size and choose the option logical when it prompts.
My Mouse is not detected/Mouse is not working . How can i configure it?
Mouse interfaces are usually of 3 types. They are serial, PS/2 and usb. This can be identified by the connectors at the end of mouse cable. There will be a device entry in GNU/Linux file system corresponding to each of these devices. /dev/ttyS0 is used for mouse connected to the first serial port, /dev/ttyS1 for mouse in second serial port and /dev/psaux for PS/2 mouse. Newer versions of GNU/Linux comes with a special device entry called /dev/input/mice, very common for USB mouses and in some case for PS/2 mouses also.
Try reconfiguring xserver by the command "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and in the mouse detection section, choose the correct device from the list. ie if you have a serial mouse, choose /dev/ttyS0. If it is a ps2 mouse, choose /dev/psaux. If it is a usb mouse, choose /dev/input/mice. and for the protocol, select auto.
Display/Video Problems
I chose the correct Xfree86 driver for my School GNU/linux installation. But Xserver is still not starting and I am not getting Graphics mode.
Check wheter your BIOS has an option to change Shared Video memory. If so please increase its amount. If the BIOS doesn't have that option, specify it as 8192 (for 8MB) at the Video Memory prompt in the configuration of Xserver. You can reconfigure your Xserver by using the command
1.dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (as root.)
How to change the graphics driver?
Run the following command as the root user
1.dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Coose the appropriate driver from the list and restart the graphics using the command
1./etc/init.d/gdm restart
How do i find which graphics card the system has?
Execute the command "lspci | grep VGA" at the root prompt. You'll get a line 'VGA compatible controller' followed by the description of your graphics card.
If you see a number Intel 82810 to 82865 the driver to use is i810. For any latest graphics cards you can choose the VESA driver. If the card you have is Nvidia or Geforce, choose nv as the driver.
If you want to find out the cards supported by a particular driver, use the command "man driver-name" for example, if you want to find which cards are supported by the nv driver, give the command "man nv".
Text and Icons in my desktop are very big, what should I do ? How will I increase the resolution of my screen.
use the command dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (as root user). Select the required resolution (1024x768) from the list (using space key).
I find my graphics card chip set with the command lspci. How do i find which driver to choose for my card?
for intel graphics cards 82810 to 82865, choose the driver i810. For latest intel systems choose VESA.
If your graphics chipset is Nvidia or GeForce choose nv.
you can find which driver supports which card with man command.
man nv will show which all cards supported by nv driver. man i810 shows that for intel cards.
Make sure you have atleast 8 MB Video memory alotted in your bios.

How to connect internet using GPRS facility of nokia phone?
There is an efficient and easy to use tool named ' GPRS Easy Connect ' to get GPRS connection on GNU/Linux. You can download it from the following link.
How do i configure my BSNL Broadband (DataOne) connection?
Ask BSNL to set the modem such that it acts as a gateway. Also collect the IP address of the Modem and DNS address. Configure the network of your system (Desktop -> Administration -> networking) set the IP address of your system and set the gateway as the IP of modem. Also set the DNS address.
also see
How do i configure my Internel modem ?
at present there is no support for internel modem in GNU/Linux. You can check the links and
How can i share internet connection?
create a file with the following content

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

You may have to change eth0 to eth1 if the internet cable plug in to your second ethernet card. If you are using Dialup connection replace -o eth0 with -o ppp0 in the last line.
Execute this script as root on the server (where internet cable reaches) to share the net. connection.

Software Installation
How do I install a deb file in School GNU/Linux?
Debian packages are packaged as .deb files. These deb files can be installed using the Debian package manager -dpkg. First cd to the directory where the .deb package is located and use the command $dpkg -i packagename.deb for installing the package. The -i switch is used so that the installation takes place in the interactive mode.
How do i install FreeBasic in School GNU/Linux?
Free Basic is available at Download the binary tar.gz for linux. untar it with the command tar -zxvf Freebasic.tar.gz
cd to the FreeBasic directory and run ./ -i as root.
Software Troubleshooting
My panel crashed/getting a message "panel already running" the home folder.
2.Ctrl + H to show hidden files
3.remove all folders starting with . (dot)
4.Ctrl + H to hide hidden files.
When I added Tuxpaint from menu to panel, both panels disappeared. How can i get the panels back?
Open home folder then press Ctrl+h to show hidden files. Then remove the files and folders which started with a . (dot). Log out and Login back.
It is due to a bug in tuxpaint menu item.
Sound Problems
Sound is not working in my system, How can i configure it?
try alsaconf command as root user.
How to create grub boot floppy ?
You can create a grub boot floppy with the command "grub-floppy /dev/fd0". All data in that floppy will lost.
My Boot menu is not available now. I tried to reinstall my Windows.
see the grub reinstallation guide at
also see this link provide detail information on how to recover grub.
How to access files in my Windows partitions?.
Use the Disks option in the Administration Menu to mount the windows partitions. Will put a more detailed document later.
how to add an item in gnome menu/system menu?
I will illustrate how I add a Gnome menu entry by giving an example. let us say I have downloaded the game called Nexuiz in my home folder and I want to make a menu entry. here is how I do it:
gksu gedit /usr/share/applications/nexuiz.desktop
save this and close it. Now I have a neat menu entry under games in Gnome menu called "Nexuiz"
Now I will explain what I have done though most of it is self-explanatory.
1) You need to choose a filename (lets say "xyz.desktop") instead of nexuiz.desktop depending on how you want to name the file. however, it will be at the same location (/usr/share/applications/)
2) Now about the entries in the file: The first 3 lines will be the same for all applications ie., [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Exec should contain the path of the executable Icon should contain the path of the icon u want to choose for the menu entry (try to make sure its a .png or .xpm file) Terminal will have a value of true if u want to run the application in a terminal window. Most GUI apps u would NOT want to run in terminal, so u can keep it as false Name and Comment are self explanatory Categories is the crucial one. here you CANT put in anything you want (you are restricted by certain keywords) Make the first word Application; (the semicolon is important) The second word can be one of the following depending on where you want your app to appear in the menu:
GNOME MENU Menu Entry ---> second word that u have to put in category (followed by semicolon)

Accessories --> Utility; Edutainment --> Education; Games --> Game; Graphics --> Graphics; Internet --> Network; Office --> Office; Programming --> Development; Sound & Video -->AudioVideo; System Tools --> System; Others --> Other; Now you are all set. save and exit. you will immediately have a new entry in our Gnome menu.
Example: /usr/share/applications/ooo-writer.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Terminal=false Icon=ooo-writer Type=Application Categories=Application;Office;X-Red-Hat-Base;X-SuSE-Core-Office; Exec=ooffice -writer %F
How do I find which device is attached to my thumbdrive?
Issue the command dmesg after inserting the thumb drive. The device will be listed at the end of dmesg output.
Could you please point me some sites where i get useful information to use and troubleshoot Debian GNU/Linux?
You can check and for debian specific information contains various tutorials related to GNU/Linux
When i type ൗ (Au) in openoffice writer malayalam mode, it displays ൌ. How can i solve this?
In malayalam old script ൗ is also written as ൌ. But you can change this behaviour by editing the file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ml (as root user) and find key then change 0x01000d4c to 0x01000d57
ie change change the line key { [ 0x01000d4c , 0x01000d14 ] } to key { [ 0x01000d57 , 0x01000d14 ] }
How can i create Font Works (WordArt) in Writer/impress?
Click View > Toolbars > Drawing. Click on the Fontwork Gallery Icon from the Drawing Toolbar
for more tutorials on OpenOffice, visit